Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas prayers and night ride

Not much to write tonight, it's Xmas night. The new mountain bike is painfully slow on the road, I forgot I had let some air out of the tires.

I did a quick afternoon errand and plodded home, feeling bleh. But I dragged my ass back together a half hour later, grabbed Squeaky and did the usual training ride on the Hill. The house with the intense Xmas display was still dark. Maybe they went to florida.

This neighborhood has some mysterious houses. Cars in the driveway, but the entire houses are dark, at 6 PM. I mean if you go to florida, fine, but leave a couple lights on, on timers or something. It just looks creepy.

But there was a whole street lit up with white paper bag candle lanterns, hundreds of them. This was really cool, climbing this steep hill. Like a chinese Xmas thing going on.

Watch out for patches of ice....

Thankfully, motorists were not into the rage thing, a cease fire was called for the night.

I'm sure tomorrow it will all be back.

So I got in a good muscle burn and am feeling all mellow, serotonin is coursing through my brain.

Hope everyone had a great holiday, prayers especially to those in combat.

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