Saturday, February 21, 2009

Riding slow Vs. Louis Garneau

Not much to write today, just another great day with full sun, cloudless sky. 38 degrees. Just got out for two hours or so. About 30 miles.

Today was a recovery ride, as I've been pushing the hills pretty hard and doing a lot of sprinting. Some power walking has helped my legs settle in for the night.

Nice to have a day when you just ride at a leisurely pace, enjoying a tease of spring. We all know, however, that we are probably in for a couple more depresso- snowstorms before spring is officially here.

It's funny, you only see a lot of roadies when it's about 55 out. Today I only saw two. But today was perfectly fine, as there was no wind. Motor vehicles were all courteous team-players, but I do give myself some credit for prompting that at times.

Now that I got the link thing working, I'll be posting some cool stuff...

Here's a great cycling film from France. 1965. Let it load for half a minute until the play button appears (>) If it doesn't load, sign out then sign in again.

A totally excellent loop in NY. Rolling farmland, the Hudson River. Pizza that doesn't suck...

How to avoid collisions

How not to get hit by cars

How to look really cool while not getting hit by cars

How to know everything Lance is doing at every minute of the day, and how Twitter recovered his recently stolen bike

How to build wheels (this is on my list, plodding through it slowly)

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