Tuesday, April 21, 2009

High speed blowouts

Starting to get used to the rocket-bike again, after not riding it for a few years. Again, I finally found a place where I can ride it with some level of serenity. It does feel good to go really fast, but I have to not care about the scenery, as it goes by in a blur. So I take the other bikes out on
days when the testosterone is lower.

I think the time difference is probably only 12 minutes anyway. I mean, just what do you really want to do with your life?

Blew the rear at 40 MPH on a straightaway. This is the first serious blowout I've had on this bike. The other flat was just a "snakebite" at low speed, years ago.

It felt like I hit a pothole....BUMP!!!! Or like sudden turbuence in an airplane. There was no noise, the sound probably went behind me... I think I caught a nail in the sidewall...

I was able to brake and unclip just fine, the super skinny lightweight tire stayed on, I always feared them flying off. I'm afraid of tubulars and kevlars, standing staunchly by clinchers...

Of course, I had to swap tubes across from the redneck house with six rabidly barking dogs.
The shepherd is always the first to run to the fence when I wail past, but he got bored and lay down.

Swapping tubes on a nasty rainy day with cold wet hands is not fun. Especially when potentially non-spandex friendly people are peering out the window with annoyed facial expressions.

I got a very cool frame for a touring bike. It's a 1992 Bridgestone MB-4, has all the braze-ons. This should be interesting. I can't decide if I want a "mule-bike" or a "drop bar". I might also get an old Peugeot UO-8 . This would be way cool.

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